*NEW Unsold Item Pickup Info*


Consignors will be responsible for locating their unsold items on the sale floor!  We have been doing this at our other 2 locations for 4+ years. We implemented this in Ardmore as well at the Fall 2022 sale.  We were very appreciative of the way the consignors responded to the change!

Choosing a pickup time: When you register for the sale it will give you an option to choose a pickup time. Times will be available on Saturday, August 24 from 4pm-8PM.  PLEASE CHOOSE A PICKUP TIME WHEN YOU REGISTER TO CONSIGN!!! Items not picked up by 8pm on SATURDAY will be donated.

Sales from Saturday will be uploaded by 3:00pm! Consignors will be able to print out a list of UNSOLD items or they can check on their phone so they will know what section to locate their items. Just as we DO NOT scan each item that you bring to the sale, we WILL NOT be checking your inventory list when you pick up your items! If you have a concern, please email ashley@monkeybusinessok.com

As stated in the seller agreement that each consignor agrees to:
Monkey Business Children’s Consignment, Inc. is not responsible for fire, theft, loss, or damage to my items. I assume the responsibility of these risks occurring by participating in this consignment sale.

If you are picking unsold items up for another consignor a consent form must be filled out prior to the items being released to that person or a text message sent to 580-320-3605 stating who will pick up your unsold items.

When you get your items collected you will go to an exit where a volunteer will be waiting to check your items to make sure all items collected are indeed designated for your consignor number.
When picking up your items, PLEASE check the stained or broken items and missing tag area at the holding table.
PLEASE bring a box or tote with you at pickup to put your items in! Rolling racks will NOT be available to take items out! (Due to having 2 rolling racks “walk away”)
Due to the increased shoppers on 1/2 price day, I will NOT be available to take calls! I will TRY, in between customers, to answer simple text messages.
We will also have volunteers available for consignors who are expecting and consignors with a physical disability to assist in collecting your unsold items.
Checks will be MAILED Tuesday, Aug. 27.